Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We've Begun

  This past week while we were in Seattle our lot was cleared, so we have begun.  Sunday when we saw it for the first time, I almost hyperventilated.  It looked so different; no turning back now.  We went to our lot yesterday to see what had gone on and the basement had been dug. Our builder had placed the house about 10 feet back from where we had orginally placed the stakes because of the grade. That will work out. We will not have many steps down from the screen porch to the patio. A little more space may have to be cleared  for the back yard, though. The front yard will be a little larger,but that might be OK too, as we would like to have parking for guests there. We had always planned to leave our lot as wooded as possible, so we are not planning to clear too much more. We can see our grandchildren playing in the woods and loving it.

Steve said that he planned on being up there alot because even the best builders can have a different idea from what we think is happening. 

Our builder said that until the basement install was complete it was dangerous to walk around the high side of the site.  Hopefully, they will begin the basement process this week.  That involves a great deal.  It will take about 3 weeks or more to get it done and then the framers will take over. 

After the 4th of July, we will get our notebook of the schedule for our picking out things for the house. This time next year, we will have been in our new house for 3 months.  It is so hard to believe that we are actually doing this. 
 Jonah loves machinery so we took him to see the "dig dig" as he calls it.  When we drove up, he was straining to get out of his car seat to get a look at it.  When we take him with us and he sees heavy equipment, he loves it and says "more,more".

We may have more to tell later tonight.  Who knows.  This is all so new to us and very exciting!!

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