Friday, July 29, 2011

Possible Today

Last night Steve went to the lot to check on things and see if there was any progress.  He found quite a bit.  Maybe when we go over tonight, there will be a concrete floor. According to the schedule that the builder gave us, framing is supposed to begin next week.  Yikes!!

The footings for the garage are in this shot. This is on the front of the house.  They will probably pour these today.


 Footings for the garage.  We will drive through the area between the boards. Nothing looks large enough.  The corner at the bottom of the photo is the continuation of the first photo.

 Front porch

 This is the edge of the lower level on the right side of our house. It will be so neat to see the framing give the house shape.  Today's heat index is supposed to be 113 degrees, so I don't know how long the men will be able to work.

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