Monday, July 4, 2011

Traveling On

After we left the peninsula, we missed the turn and drove to Bremerton to catch the ferry back to Seattle.  It turned out to be a good mistake as we were seeing some of the state we hadn't seen.  The scenery was gorgeous.  Josh took us to Taco Del Mar to eat lunch.  This was really good and relaxing.  We sat outside where we could see the water before the ferry came in and really enjoyed ourselves.  The ride on the ferry was a little longer than the Bainbridge ferry which we did not mind at all.  I love riding on the ferries.  We were able to see Mt. Ranier; It is a magnificent sight to behold on a clear day!

Joanne got to see the mountain more than we have in our previous trips to Seattle.  We were lucky this time!As I said before the scenery was breath taking.  A feast for the eyes.
Coming back to Seattle.  
The skyline was beautiful, but hazy coming back in.

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